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to No. 22/2012 Resolution
of the Senate of Pultusk Academy of Humanities
of 12 May, 2012



Chapter 1. The Mission

Our mission shall be understood as a set of values determining the place and the role of the Academy in the local, regional, all-Poland, and international contexts.

First and foremost, the mission of the Academy is about educating students and participants in postgraduate degree and non-degree courses, providing graduates with qualifications actually required for their future jobs, conducting extensive academic research and publishing the research results, educating future academics and research workers participating in doctoral seminars, international cooperation with other universities, their teachers and research workers, and conducting activities benefiting the local community and North Mazovia.    

In its activities, the Academy adduces university traditions, the professional norms of academic freedom of research, and tolerance toward those with different opinions. Its Faculty members are guided by the principle of responsibility for delivering quality education and for the reliability and academic integrity in the research done. AH students abide by the principles of intellectual property rights protection and by the AH Student Code of Ethics. 

In the AH academic community, rules of social conduct, law, order and public safety, and employee rights are complied with and respected. A system of periodic reviews of each faculty member’s performance is in place in the Academy.

Its teaching and research arrangements are made in compliance with the binding laws and with the AH internal regulations, allowing for practical organizing solutions and for economic calculation.

The focus of the work done at the Academy is on broadening the horizons of its graduates and on inculcating them with the feeling of responsibility for the common good and for universal values. Also, the Academy promotes student healthy physical development.

The Academy cooperates with local schools and governments in the core aspects of preparation for various anniversary celebrations and/or for naming new educational institutions or renaming the existing ones. Also, it is involved in projects aimed at the development of teenage education. The Academy cooperates with municipal offices, starost (county administrators’) offices, with the Seym Speaker’s Bureau, and with the regional museums of Mazovia. It makes its collections available to external users on both the gratuitous and non-gratuitous basis.

The Academy strives to maintain high admission levels, high quality of the education delivered, top positions in university rankings, financial stability, low employee turnover rates; also, to develop its international cooperation - within the framework of European and other programs and projects – with university teachers and research workers from other EU member countries and from Eastern European countries.

The Academy aims to keep its students involved, and to encourage their participation in the research projects promoted by the Student Government and in the projects pursued by a variety of AH clubs; also, it strives to optimize its human capital, to develop cohesive HR policies, to be awarded the right to confer doctoral degrees in a number of successive fields of study, to achieve new accreditations, to add a truly international dimension to the teaching and research done at AH, and to cooperate with organizations of employers.

The Academy is currently preparing its educational offer for highly talented secondary school students and graduates, university graduates, participants in lifelong learning programs (e.g. in postgraduate non-degree upgrading or qualifying courses, or in other courses and/or training programs), as well as for senior inhabitants of Pułtusk and its environs (attending AH lectures, or the Third Age University courses), both Polish and foreign citizens.


Chapter 2. The Strategy

The AH strategy shall mean its educational, research, and organizational objectives, pursued in the local, regional, all-Poland and international contexts, whose implementation facilitates the development of the Academy and its image creation.

The Strategy, viewed over a time scale of several years, matches the AH objectives to the ways of their achievement under changing demographic, financial and legislative conditions.

It is the governing bodies of the Academy, its organizational units and the entire academic community who are involved in the implementation of the Strategy. Also, the Academy hopes for support from local social partners, from the local government institutions, from employers and NGOs.

The Strategy is implemented with the use of own funds, and co-financed from external sources, both private and public.

Strategy implementation is subject to evaluation and verification every three years. Its evaluation is done by the AH Rectors and Deans Commission.

§ 1. The Objectives

1. The Academy pursues the following objectives:

1) Educational Objectives – to develop and keep updated, in consultation with representatives of employers’ organizations and in accordance with the needs of the evolving labour market, an attractive offer covering all levels of education; to ensure high quality of the school process through cohesive application of the Internal System of Education Quality Assurance; to prepare an educational offer for foreigners; 

2) Research Objectives – to conduct research within the scope of responsibilities of AH Faculty members, to periodically review the research done, to facilitate professional development of junior Faculty members, to seek research grants, to increase the library collections, to develop international cooperation (including through conferences, publications, Faculty members exchange programs), to issue an AH periodical;

3) Organizational Objectives – to encourage Faculty members’ involvement (including in the arrangements for conferences held at AH, in the work done by a variety of AH commissions and by its Faculty Boards, in supervising the projects done by AH student clubs and the individualized programs of work with outstanding students), including their involvement in the activities of the National Council for Higher Education, the Conference of Rectors (CRASP), and the Polish Accreditation Committee;  to encourage student participation in the research programs conducted at AH, and in its cultural life; to form organizational units dedicated to extracurricular activities and cooperation (e.g. with business partners).

2. Matching Objectives to Contexts:

1) Local Context – cooperation with the municipal and county (poviat) authorities, local educational and cultural institutions, the Church, and employers on issues related to the community life and to the local cultural life; research focused on investigation into the past and into the present day life of the town and of the county; co-funding local research programs; issuing a local magazine.

2) Regional Context - cooperation with the provincial  authorities (on the voivodeship level), with the neighbouring towns and counties and with their cultural institutions on issues related to their community life and to the local cultural life; research focused on investigation into the past and into the present day life of Mazovia, with the results published in the regional periodicals issued by AH; allowing for issues of regional importance, including the regional cultural heritage, in the AH curriculum; continuous efforts to strengthen the position of the Academy as the best non-public TEI in the region; 

3) All-Poland Context – a new AH promotional campaign, targeted on candidates from outside the region as well; continuous efforts to strengthen the position of the Academy as one of the leading non-public TEIs in Poland; continuous efforts to maintain the position of one of the top-ranked Polish TEIs; continuation of the research work of national importance; research cooperation with home institutions; arrangements for academic research conferences held by AH; 

4) International Context – deeper cooperation with European educational institutions, promoting student exchange programs with a special focus on universities from Eastern Europe; research done in cooperation with foreign TEIs; arrangements for international conferences held by AH; Faculty members exchange programs; implementation of teaching programs in foreign languages used as the languages of instruction; running summer school courses; openness toward other nations and cultures.

 § 2. Ways to Achieve the Assumed Objectives

1. Educational Objectives:

1) focus on quality  education – implementation of the Internal System of Education Quality Assurance; calling into being Community Consulting Councils for Quality Education at individual Faculties; tracking professional careers of AH alumni; and

2) prioritized core competency education, with a focus on skills including: interpersonal communication, language competence, ability to work in a team, mobility, ability to cope with stress, entrepreneurship, interpersonal competency, civic involvement, cultural awareness, creativity; and

3) AH educational offer widened, with new majors and new fields of study added to the full-time and the part-time undergraduate and graduate programs; and

4) AH educational offer for participants in postgraduate courses and training programs, including the EU-funded programs, enriched; and

5) endeavours made to be awarded the right to confer doctoral degrees in still another field of study.

6) participation of secondary school students in the lectures, conferences and meetings held at Pultusk Academy of Humanities, run by AH Faculty members and by the invited guests; and

7) methodical development of the Library collections by adding traditional and digital publications useful for the implementation of the AH curriculum in accordance with the needs of AH Faculty members and of its students.

2. Research Objectives:

1) AH research profile, important for the AH position when compared with other Polish research centres, developed;

2) interdisciplinary research conducted; and

3) financial support for the research obtained; and

4) new university teachers and researchers, specializing in disciplines compatible with the AH educational objectives and with its research profile, attracted; and

5) conditions for the professional development of AH Faculty members ensured; and

6) support in the research done by AH Faculty members provided; and

7) periodic research conferences focused on the research-specific issues held; and

8) existing AH periodicals continued on a regular basis; and

9) AH magazine Artes Liberales issued at regular intervals, as originally; and

10) AH Library development continued, including through:

3. Organizational Objectives:

1) student magazine Interlinia re-established in a digital format; and

2) AH student clubs and student associations developed; and

3) ablest AH students invited to join the research programs run by AH Faculty members; and

4) AH students integrated into the academic community, including through participation in the meetings held by the AH Senate and by AH Faculty Boards; and

5) community spirit demonstrated by AH Faculty members and students rewarded; and

6) involvement in voluntary programs and organizations promoted; and

7) workshops and training programs in interpersonal relations for AH students run; and

8) ties between the Academy and its alumni strengthened including through tracking alumni career paths, making their achievements and successes known, cooperation, and meetings; and

9) AH students and alumni supported in their job search by the AH Bureau for Promotions and Career Guidance.